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In reading the scriptures, it is undeniable that Jesus had a heart for ministry in rural and small towns and we should too. Jesus admonished us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and the rural communities are a significant part of the world the Lord admonished us to go into and make the gospel known.

This is why at the International School of Ministry, we give attention to developing Ministers and Ministries in the rural communities through the Ministers Support Program.

Join the ISM Ministers Support Program to;

  • Provide basic adult literacy education and skills for ministers in the rural communities.
  • Establish ISM Ministers’ Cells in rural communities.
  • Provide an opportunity for ministers in rural communities to be train and to be impacted through the ISM mobile School.
  • Purchase equipment such as microphones, keyboard, chairs, pulpit, etc or construction of church building in the rural communities.
  • Bring the Gospel to those in rural communities in their local dialects.

What We Are Doing
